How Riboflavin 400 mg Can Help Prevent Migraines

According to research, migraine headaches occur in about 1 in every 7 people. If you suffer from migraine headaches, you’re probably looking for natural remedies and supplements to help ease migraine symptoms. 

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

For years, experts have proven that riboflavin or vitamin B2 can help provide migraine relief and prevent migraine headaches. Unfortunately, most health professionals and GPs are not aware of the benefits of vitamin B2 to migraine sufferers. 

What You Should Know About Riboflavin for Migraine Prevention

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What is riboflavin?

Riboflavin or also known as vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin responsible for energy production to help cells develop and function properly. 

The thing is, the human body is not capable of producing riboflavin. We need vitamin B2 to keep our bodies healthy. So, how can you get enough vitamin B2? You can get enough vitamin B2 by taking dietary supplements or eating food rich in vitamin B2. 

Sources of Riboflavin or Vitamin B2

Here are some foods that are rich in vitamin B2:

To prevent migraine attacks, it is recommended to take at least 400 mg of riboflavin daily. 

Even though you can get vitamin B2 from food, keep in mind that it won’t be enough to prevent migraine attacks and ease migraine symptoms. Aside from that, it is difficult to measure how much riboflavin is in the food. As a solution, you can take dietary supplements to boost your vitamin B2 intake. 

Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, has been found to be effective in reducing the frequency of migraines in some individuals. In a study published in the journal Headache, researchers found that daily supplementation with riboflavin resulted in a significant reduction in the number of migraines experienced by participants. The study also found that riboflavin was well-tolerated and had no significant side effects. Additionally, riboflavin has been shown to improve overall energy levels and support healthy hair, skin, and nails. Overall, riboflavin may be a useful supplement for individuals who suffer from migraines.

FAQs About Riboflavin for Migraines

What are the side effects of taking riboflavin?

The good news, taking riboflavin has no serious adverse effects! 

Several studies have shown that taking high doses of riboflavin may cause diarrhea, polyuria (excessive pee), and yellow-orange urine. But these side effects are not signs of a serious medical condition.

Who shouldn't take riboflavin supplements?

Although riboflavin is safe for most people, you should consult your healthcare provider if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding before taking them.

Does getting enough vitamin B2 from the food you eat prevent migraine attacks?

As mentioned, it’s impossible to measure how much riboflavin is in the food you eat. If you want to prevent migraines, you need to increase the intake of riboflavin. 

Based on one study, participants were asked to increase their vitamin B2 intake to at least 400 mg daily. The participants noticed that they experienced fewer migraine attacks each month. 

Nowadays, riboflavin is still recommended for preventing migraines because there are no serious adverse effects. 

“Riboflavin 400 mg once a day — may be effective in reducing migraine frequency and intensity for some people.” - NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) GD150

What are other conditions that riboflavin can help with?

Many have claimed that riboflavin is a “miracle cure'' for other conditions, however, there is no solid scientific proof to back this up. Riboflavin or vitamin B2 keeps the skin healthy, helps prevent cataracts, and keeps your vision good. 

You might also find numerous research about how riboflavin can help neurological conditions such as tremors and PD.

However, here are the officially allowed claims:

Does the NHS recommend taking Riboflavin 400 mg for migraines?

Yes! The National Institute of Clinical Excellence recommends doctors and hospitals try riboflavin supplements to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

How do I know if I’m getting enough riboflavin or vitamin B2?

The amount of vitamin B2 you should get depends on your age and sex. According to the National Institutes of Health’s RDA, healthy adults are recommended to take at least 1 mg daily.

Most people get vitamin B2 from the food they consume, but there are dietary restrictions or medical conditions such as veganism or thyroid hormone deficiency that can put people at risk of vitamin B2 deficiency.

How does riboflavin work?

Riboflavin is an important component of two coenzymes, flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide. These coenzymes play an important role in energy production, metabolism, cellular growth, function, and development. 

Riboflavin helps increase the number of mitochondria in the brain cells. Mitochondria is known as the energy-releasing “batteries” in every biological cell. The increase of energy given by riboflavin seems to help reduce migraine attacks. 

Can I take riboflavin with other medications?

Taking riboflavin with other preventive or acute migraine medications is considered safe. Consult your healthcare provider before taking any other supplements.

How long does it take to see results for riboflavin and headaches?

Scientific researches suggest that it takes two months to measure success. Most of our supplements are recommended to take for a minimum of 6 weeks or 42 days.

In that time period, you will be able to tell the effect of riboflavin on your migraine. A few of our customers mentioned that they see the results quicker, but this will depend on your general health, metabolism, age, and whether you have any other illness or not.

Taking additional supplements that contain riboflavin will show results faster.

Is it recommended to try probiotics along with riboflavin?

Nowadays, there are studies about the link between gut bacteria and the brain. Whilst the subject is evolving and this is called psychobiotics. If you have a modern diet in an urban environment, this can cause harm to your gut bacteria and affect brain health.

It may be a great decision to try probiotics along with riboflavin. Our strongest probiotic is 20 billion formulas that help feed positive bacteria in the gut.

Can pregnant women take riboflavin 400 mg to help ease migraines?

Riboflavin is considered safe even when taken at very high doses. It is one of the nutritional supplements that flush through your system quickly. However, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence does NOT recommend pregnant women take 400 mg of riboflavin as research is limited.

Your healthcare provider will be able to prove a better approach to your migraine headaches. 

But, we have some good news! 80% of pregnant women noticed a drastic decrease in the severity and frequency of migraine attacks in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Particularly, women who have migraine headaches associated with periods and migraine without aura.

Is riboflavin a good prophylaxis for migraine headaches?

Yes! Scientific studies have shown that riboflavin reduces the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.

Is riboflavin a great antioxidant?

Yes. Most people are familiar with the benefits of vitamins A, C, and E, however, most are not aware that riboflavin is a great antioxidant. It helps your body deal with damage from “free radicals'' that have been associated with wrinkles, early onset aging, and more serious conditions like cancer and heart disease.

Riboflavin didn’t work for me, what should I do?

Did you take riboflavin supplements for a few months and haven’t seen an improvement with your migraine?

One of the possible reasons could be you lack other important supplements that work synergistically to improve your migraine headaches.

We strongly recommend taking riboflavin with:

Is riboflavin a great antioxidant?

Yes. Most people are familiar with the benefits of vitamins A, C, and E, however, most are not aware that riboflavin is a great antioxidant. It helps your body deal with damage from “free radicals'' that have been associated with wrinkles, early onset aging, and more serious conditions like cancer and heart disease.

Can riboflavin help boost mood?

A 2016 study showed that personality change, fatigue, and even brain dysfunction could be caused by low levels of riboflavin. 

It’s also a known fact that migraine sufferers have lower levels of serotonin compared to those who don’t have migraines. Serotonin is called the happiness hormone. Low levels of serotonin affect mood. 

With this in mind, we came up with Migrasoothe-Pro which has L-tryptophan which boosts serotonin levels to help migraine sufferers.

Natural Supplements for Migraine

Bespoke Biotics offers natural supplements such as Riboflavin, Coenzyme Q10, and Magnesium that can help treat migraines.

Why Migrasoothe by Bespoke Biotics?

Types of Migraine Headaches That Can Be Helped by Migrasoothe

There are various forms of migraine headaches that can be relieved with riboflavin, especially when combined with Magnesium and CoQ10