Everything You Should Know About Riboflavin for Migraine Prevention

Are you someone who suffers from migraines and is looking for a natural way to prevent them? Well, you might be interested to know about the benefits of riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2.

Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for energy production and cellular function. In recent years, it has gained popularity for its potential in preventing migraines.

So, let's talk about the benefits of riboflavin for migraine prevention. Studies have shown that riboflavin can help reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of migraines. It's believed that riboflavin can help maintain mitochondrial energy metabolism and reduce oxidative stress, which can trigger migraines in some individuals.

There is no cure for migraines, but medications and other treatments can help to manage the symptoms.

What is Vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a superstar B-vitamin when it comes to preventing headaches and migraines. This potent vitamin is bursting with benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain-reducing properties. Plus, it's critical for the body's energy supply, food breakdown, nutrient absorption, and keeping our tissues healthy.

It's essential to keep in mind that many people are lacking in vitamin B2, particularly vegetarians, vegans, and folks who don't eat enough protein or dairy. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and those who drink excessively may also need more vitamin B2 to keep their levels up.

Since our bodies can only store a limited amount of vitamin B2, it's necessary to get it regularly from our diets or supplements. You can discover it in an array of foods, like milk, organ meats, eggs, fish, nuts, specific fruits, legumes, dark leafy greens, cheese, and other protein-packed foods.

Remember that riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, naturally found in many foods. It's involved in the body's energy production and helps keep our skin, eyes, and nervous system healthy. Riboflavin is also a key player in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It's an essential vitamin, which means that our bodies can't produce it, so we must get it from our diet.

Benefits of Riboflavin for Migraine Prevention

Riboflavin has been gaining popularity for its potential in preventing migraines. It's believed to play a role in maintaining mitochondrial energy metabolism and reducing oxidative stress, which can trigger migraines in some individuals. Several studies have shown that riboflavin can help reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of migraines.

Usage and Dosage of Riboflavin for Migraine Prevention

The recommended dosage of riboflavin for migraine prevention is typically between 300-400mg per day. But clinical research and the NHS in the UK only recommend a minimum dose of 400 mg, which seems rather high compared to High Street doses which are typically around 1.2 mg

Keep in mind that you may not notice the full benefits of riboflavin right away - it can take a few weeks of using it consistently to really see an improvement in your migraines. Plus, to make sure your body absorbs it properly, try taking riboflavin with water. And just a little tip - avoid taking it with dairy products, as they can interfere with how well it's absorbed.

What happens if I take riboflavin and it doesn't work?

Okay, let's chat about what you can do if riboflavin isn't doing the trick for you. Keep in mind that even though riboflavin has helped many people with migraines, it may take a bit longer for you to see results or it may not work for you at all. Don't worry though - if you've been using riboflavin consistently and still haven't seen any improvement in your migraines, it's important to talk to your healthcare professional. They may suggest trying a different treatment option or adjusting your dosage to see if that helps.

If you're looking for other natural remedies to try, some people find that adding CoQ10, and  magnesium to their routine can improve their results. Another option is to try a product that contains feverfew and ginger, as they've been shown to help with migraines. Just remember, it's important to speak with your healthcare professional before trying any new treatments or supplements. They can help guide you in the right direction and find what works best for you.

Migrasoothe + Herbs

Looking for a product that combines natural ingredients to help with your migraines? Check out Migrasoothe + Herbs! This supplement contains a blend of ginger, feverfew, and riboflavin at 400mg. These powerful ingredients work together to help prevent migraines and reduce their severity.

migrasoothe plus herbs containing riboflavin 400 mg plus ginger plus feverfew to botanical supplements that help in reduction of chronic migraine headaches and neurological conditions

Potential Side Effects of Riboflavin

While riboflavin is typically considered safe and easy for most people to handle, it's possible to experience some mild side effects. These can include diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps. 

One thing to note is that riboflavin can cause your urine to become bright yellow, but this is completely harmless and just a sign that your body is processing the vitamin. 

If you do experience any of these side effects and they become bothersome, it's recommended to either lower your dosage (eg take the supplment every three days) or stop taking riboflavin altogether. And as always, it's a good idea to chat with your healthcare professional before starting any new supplements or treatments.

Urine will go bright yellow with Riboflavin


Like other supplements, riboflavin doesn’t come with as many side effects as prescription medications. That said, you may not see as much of a difference in the frequency of your attacks from taking a supplement as you’d expect from a prescription medication.

It’s always a good idea to talk to your medical provider before starting a new treatment, but it’s likely safe to take riboflavin along with preventive or acute migraine medication

MigraSoothe Booster Packs Available from Bespoke Biotics include CO Q10 & Magnesium

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